Time Away from Your Business

Time Away from Your Business

You leave paid employment to set up your own business.

You know your reasons:

  • More time. This could be for yourself, your partner, your friends, your children, your family.
  • More money. You’d expect more money if you’re putting in more effort, it’s for you & yours of course.
  • More control. Nobody will tell you what to do. You get to make ALL the decisions.
  • More enjoyment. You are in control. It must be more fun to be in control.

But the reality for most small business owners is that most of this doesn’t happen.

If you’ve owned a small business you’ll know what I mean! Your business is on your mind – ALL THE TIME. It keeps you awake at night. You think about it when you’re supposed to be relaxing. You could be watching a film- it’s own your mind. It’s not like paid employment when you go home and forget about it.

If you’ve never taken the risk of owning your own business you’ll know what I’m talking about. This is an exclusive club- the bags under your eyes are the give away!

So what should YOU, the small business owner do?

You have to learn to clear your mind. The modern word is mindfulness! You might need some time to do this. Rigorous exercise is good! But it’s not for everyone.

Time away from your business is one answer. Get out of the office. Go somewhere and leave your technology at home!

Can you take a holiday? Short or long?

I’ve just taken two weeks away from my businesses. My head is clear & I’m ready to go again.

My enthusiasm is back!

I hope this can work for you too.

Please get in touch if you need any help with this.

Share it with your friends!

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